Create an assignment
You can create an assignment in two ways:
Create a new assignment. This creates a brand new assignment, with an initially empty class list.
Clone an existing assignment. This creates a new assignment with the same settings as the one you cloned, including the same class list. You still have to specify new submission and review dates, of course.
Assignment options
An assignment has various options, the most important of which are:
Assignment type: You can choose whether to create an instructor-sponsored assignment, in which the instructor pays for the hosting, or a student-supported assignment, in which students needs subscriptions to participate. Read more.
Managers: These are the people who can change all assignment settings.
Observers: Observers can view submissions and grade them, but they cannot edit the dates of the instructions for an assignment.
Class list: After the assignment is created, you can specify the list of students that participate in the assignments, or let them auto-enroll. Read more.
Allow group submissions: you can require your students to submit individual solutions, or you can let them collaborate in groups and submit group solutions. Read more.
Allow file upload / link submission. Students can always write text as submission as part of the submission content. Please indicate whether they should also be allowed to submit attachments, or upload links (separate from the text area).
Number of reviews per reviewer. We have found in extensive experiments that asking students to do 5 reviews each is a good chocie. This provides enough data to obtain accurate grades using the consensus-based algorithms of CrowdGrader. If students submit in groups, you may be able to ask for fewer reviews per student, since there will be fewer total submissions.
Reviews as percentage of the grade. The student grade combines the grade received by the student submission, and a reviewing grade that depends on the accuracy of the student's reviews. You can choose how much weight to give to the reviewing grade; 20% is a good starting point. Read more.
Once the assignment is created, you will be able to define a grading rubric if you wish.
Maximum grade. This maximum grade is used in case you do not define a grading rubric. If you define a rubric, the maximum grade will be computed for you as the total points of the rubric.
Grading instructions. These instructions are shown to students as they perform the grading.